You may have spotted that the Tom Cruise/Scientology post has still not been completed. This is primarily because what began as a cheap joke at Cruise's 'religion'* has morphed into a life-consuming quest to expose the Scientologists for the corrupt, brain-washing extortioners they really are.
This may take me somewhat longer than anticipated.
So as I continue to research the Cult of Cruise, here's a a question for you to answer for me.
Those who don't know me might not be aware of the fact that I am a dedicated (some might say anorak) fan of a band called Super Furry Animals. Recently, I've got in touch with the guy that does their artwork, Pete Fowler, and he has agreed to design a tattoo for me. All he would like from me is some kind of idea as to what I would like.
This is where you come in. Any great ideas? To get an idea of the style Pete works with, check out Monsterism Island. I'm currently thinking something along the lines of a film noir, private investagtor monster, but any input is appreciated.
Given that nobody reads this blog, the time I have spent writing the above is quite probably a wasted 10 minutes, which I will never get back.
Ah well.
*In the UK, Scientology is NOT a religion in the eyes of the law. Scientologists have tried to argue against this, but in a statement by the Charities Commission it was made clear that the 'Church' of Scientology was not a religion because it 'was not established for the public benefit' and does 'not promote the moral or spiritual welfare or improvement of the community'. (Source: http://groups.google.com/group/alt.clearing.technology/msg/8d2c5dea466b647b?dmode=source&hl=en)
1 comment:
I read it. I am a dosser tho. A tattoo? As long as it isn't a 'crap potato' like Mangham's.
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